Columbia Birth Center

We had such a wonderful party to celebrate the 40 babies born at Columbia Birth Center! This is an annual event at the Birth Center--"Labor" Day is now OUR day!
This year we gave our first SUPER Stork Award to John Christian Perry, MD. The proclamation read: We, The Independent Midwives of the Columbia Basin, would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere appreciation to Dr. John Christian Perry for his unfaltering support for our midwifery practices, his respectful treatment of our clients, and his willingness to provide consultations and accept our referrals. We recognize that the time he spends assisting us with challenging situations can be personally and professionally stressful. Despite this fact, Dr. Perry remains open minded to the midwifery style of practice and good natured in his responses to our late night calls. In recognition of his support, we would like to bestow this First Annual Super Stork Award with our sincere thanks and unfaltering gratitude upon our friend and mentor, Dr. John Christian Perry.
Carson, Rob and Chrissie
Anne, Christina and Joe

Collin and Karen


Cyrelina and Sarah
Ethan, Laurie and Jon (and an October surprise who we hope will be our first repeat customer!)
Evan, Amanda and John
Cole, Jennifer and Steve
Daniel, Becky and Steve
Jack, Robbie and Greg
Jordan, Yvette and Sol
Michael and Shannon
Evan, Amanda and John


Reyna, Shelly and Lupito
Solomon, Linda and Eric
Ezri, Sarah and Arthur
Lonnacie and Dixie
Mariah, Stacy, Aaron and Big Brother
Daniel, Tammy and Anthony with
Big Brother Michael
Victoria and Arianne
Whitney and Nicole
Another special guest at our party was Marshall, who lives in the Senior Housing next to the clinic. He watches over the clinic and calls us when the wind is blowing the roof off or our garbage can gets blown over.
Big Brothers!
Collin and Big Brother Matthew
Reyna and Cynthia
Anthony put up his heart just before the "Labor" Day picture of Samuel was taken.
Reyna enjoying the cake!


If you would like to take a look at previous parties click below !

2000 & 2001

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